Boost is an exclusive offer for M.Gifts participants to unlock rewards with fewer trades. Available on levels 1 and 2, participants must meet a minimum trading volume to unlock it. Purchased lots contribute to the cumulative trading volume of the M.Gifts total result. More details are below:
- Cost per 1 lot is 100 USD and can be purchased partially. Total lot(s) will be reflected in M.Gifts progress bar based on the completed deposit amount
- Purchased Boost lots to be reflected in M.Gifts progress bar within 1 hour of deposit status change to "Completed”
- Boost maximum available lots is reflected in TR M.Gifts landing page
- To unlock Boost trade minimum required lots, reflected in TR M.Gifts landing page
- Remaining purchased Boost lot(s) will be transferred to the next level automatically and reflected in TR M.Gifts landing page
- Unused unlocked Boost will be transferred to the next levels automatically and reflected in TR M.Gifts landing page